The Pennsylvania Report
We have just released the third of our major state reports, this one on Pennsylvania, where we demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that the number of illegally counted ballots surpassed the margin of victory. Taken together with our GA and WI reports which reached the same conclusion, this puts 46 Electoral votes in doubt -- and with them the Presidency.
Some have responded to these reports asking "what took so long?" or "so what?" The answer to the first question is that we are a small organization with limited funds and a small but dedicated volunteer pool. We're doing what we can to change that but could really use help. The answer to the second question is that we can utilize these reports to encourage reform, particularly in the states they cover.
I've attached a copy of the report.
Voter Registration Webinar
Last week, I was joined by our Maricopa Field Director John Restuccia for a webinar on how to register new patriotic voters. This webinar has not been uploaded and you can see it here:
Community Organizer Training
On Saturday, May 14th, we will host a four hour Community Organizer Training Webinar from noon to 4 PM Eastern (9 AM to 1 PM Pacific). Registration is limited to the first 100 people and as a supporter of our organization, we invite you to attend. Note that you MUST register in advance and you must attend the full four hours to earn the Community Organizer - Basic certification.
You can register here:
Please Help!
All of our national programs and research are entirely dependent on our many small dollar donors. Please help us continue our work with a contribution today at
America First, America Forever.
Matt Braynard Executive Director Look Ahead America